Tuesday, April 8, 2008

a warm latte, kick out the sadness

remember yday i was so sad. i cant even control my tears .

but wat's make my tears stop from 0 second , n bring me the joy ?

a truthly concern from friends ?

an honest excuse from the mistake ?

a reason y u did it to me ?

a sweet magic potion from someone ?

a huggie from dear mama ?

a deeply kiss ?

a warming comfort from besties ?

a warming .. warming .... starbuck GREENTEA LATTE

that's my favorite greentea latte . when i saw it , when i drink it . i will forget my sadness instantly .. tatz my magic potion .

how to make a cup warm n peaceful greentea latte ?

i saw starbucker did this > greentea power + milk = greentea latte

but Rach's latte ?

= greentea + milk + happy + joyful + friendship + love from mama + love from MYTX + sweet heart from besties + sweet sugar from XXX + protecting + warm n hot hugs .

tatz all to make Rach's latte so special .. i love u all ..


kxin said...

workplace problem again kah? pity pity!! console~ =) be happy always! Hope u have a nice day ahead!!!

rachelK said...

yalo.. haizzz .. nvm i got my magic potion anyway !
thzx ~~

Vincent said...

Magic potion.. lol. Hmmm.. Should try it at home. Greentea power + milk.. lol.. where's mr G when you need him? ask him for a treat!

rachelK said...

who's mr G ? mr google ? mr george ?mr greentea?
hey , greentea latte realy my magic potion u know ? im juz had my greentea latte. *grinz*

BenjieTan said...


BenjieTan said...

oh shit, im in bens acc again. forgot to sign out! anyway, just now and now was me... jess

rachelK said...

swt !! u alwiz confusing me la jess..
anyway . is a gud thg i DRINKING U . coz u make me happy too ..