Tuesday, November 4, 2008

my stuff

u got the answer ??? what is this for ??

hmmmm ..... previously i got from my comment .

firewire said ...used to massage back .. sum noob said. hit noob eh stick .. n vince said knitting stick ..

bingo ~~ vince .. yes this is knitting stick .. hahaha..

yes this is knitting stuff .. unbeliveable Rachel Knitting ? :( i used 1 week + to completed those 3 different khakis colour scarf le ..

knitting actually was one of my hobby ..

dunno since when .. i love knitt sumtime for someone ...

last time my mom went Japan travel , i knitt 1 scarf for her .. cause its winter ! she so touch when she receive this .. so i dunno who's the next one receive this from me ??

dunno he's lucky or unlucky ?? coz this scarf after wash d.. abit weird ..

and i decided throw it aside d.. but, feel so bad if i throw aside, sumore i wasted so much energy to complete it d.. so unwilling to throw aside too.. somemore, this is for someone special day , special gift , so at last .. i keep it in my board .

now .. i dunno where did the scarf go d... ????

this was the last scarf i did lately .. and oso the last time d.. i would happy if ppl appreciate .. ,
aikzx .. forgot to capture the done one.. so sorry :(
next time if i found this scarf .. i will capture again ..

so , where did my scarf gone .. ??it lost d.. :( i'll try to find out where did i put .,. or mayb someone took it secret d..


Anonymous said...

lol wash liao eh noob long scarf still in ur cupboard ? haha good ler since u spend so much time knit it , so appreciate it , keep in ur cupboard :D noobie

rachelK said...

lol.. u duno worry ..
i will very proud with my done scaft, so the lucky person, plz keep in ur cupboard properly ... :)

Vincent said...

heheh.. so i was right.. looked like those bass drum sticks tho.

rachelK said...

lol .. yalo , u r the smartest person .. lol
