我的心起起浮浮 真的有太多的疑问 ? very hard to explain .. 为何还在想你 ? 为何还放不下?
当做是我爱错了你 . 又不是没爱过, 但是我从来没想过 我会这样做 , love you too much . and hate myself why i never told u that i love you so much ... 是我太固执. 到今天为止 还是那么的想你
since i live without you , dunno why im so desprate to know how are u ? what u duin tere ? and waiting for ur SMS . remember we alwiz use the [speechless] ? you're always the one speechless when i saod sumthg to you . but when i know everythg gonna end . and im the one SPEECHLESS . coz i never appreaciate everythg u did !and when i do , u're away .
突然之间想起, 我如何遇见我的黑绵羊?黑绵羊如何让我心动? 我也不懂为什么到现在我还是很喜欢你, 我错过了你,却让我从此没办法喜欢别人.有时侯,真的很不明白.. .. .. .. 并没有什么好值得去留恋的.但你的甜言蜜语,把我骗走了. 怎么说, 我们认识的其间只是很短.. 甚至我们真正好好的吃一次晚餐. 看一部电影. 你握着我的手. 只是一次那么多.. 却忘不了...
我真的很想很想你.. , 但是我们根本都不可能再回一起 .. you never disappear from my sight . i tot i will see you again after this week , but i got the bad news, you're not going back there.. im so dissapointed. ..
你曾经说过不要开始我们的感情,你依然会关心我,当我不开心, 你会安慰我. 但你都没做到.. 是我太笨,相信你... 你说的都是慌言.....
你的谎言太美了.. 连我都没办法接受现实. . 虽然口口声声说恨你. 其实却很想你..
wat u toking about ??????
aiyoyoyoyoy ... type english la!!
dear.. I purposely went to translate your blog to try to understand how u feel.
my love w you always, bestie!
I understand how u feel. Now, try to open your heart n let the past be the past.
I'll always be there to support ya
wow !! u did it! hmm .. so touching !!! big hugss for u !!!
niiway . thank you dear !! im alrite ! dun worrie
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