Monday, July 28, 2008


im stay in mixed mood .

yeah !! i changed my mobile phone , coz my old mobile phone make me go crazy coz of it tell me it cant be used soon, so hope i ll changes new mobile phone !! yeah!! i did it today.. woohoo!!!

and somethings funny , im sad to delete everything and lost some things .. but no matter how , i have to let go d... so, i sold my old mobile phone d..

but , i started miss you again . mi goodnesss..


FireWire said...

you sold your pink SE z610 ah? is it?

rachelK said...

yala .coz cant it turn sot sot dei mood d.. so i sold my pink z610i. change to w910i. hehe

FireWire said...

you duno how to take care of your things 1 lah..wakakaka...mine is still functioning and look like brand new

rachelK said...

hahaha.. yalo.. i duno how to take care thg eh ma !!!! =p

but my new phone nice wert!! lol