Saturday, March 29, 2008
it's painful
Thursday, March 27, 2008
it's all about the Baby ,
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
the L'occitane Traning ..
This is wat a gal will do .
The coach again . terrible . that the one of it which make me bankrup soon.
confusing . should i buy ?? or i should'nt ?? yeah , i should'nt buy now..
With the Bunny T at Zara .. =p
Sim , that is wat i purposely show u ..since u so like DONUT !!
That new make up stuff i found from Pavilion & The Garden . quite nice make up stuff.. hav a try for it if next time u droup by tere.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
the man crazy with tis stuff . sigh sigh
The Donut , sim , muz appreciate it
everyone queue up because of donut .
The process . the making of the donut .
wow .pro . makin the delicious Donut for SIM ..
ok.. u wait .. be patient .i will pack for u so0n . dun worry , sim ..
this is wat i queue for so long . but ...........
oh my god .oney sucker
i wanna go again .. next time muz bring along jess dee...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Greentea latte
n i was addicted with it ...
hmmm ..
venue : starbucks
retail price : tall 12.50
feedback: very nice . smooth.
muahahahahhah.. i lovin it.
day at kay ell
gosh still boring for me ..
cause all my bestie out penang tere ..
hmm ... after training .. still got alot time for me
oh no .. i never realise Timesquare was the LALA world . oh no .. everywere except ground floor , all full of lala style n punk .. sigh sigh sigh
* gosh * if one day i wear like this . i ain't Rachel Keng anymore ..
eiii. y so familiar ..??? i tink i seen him before .. where har ???
oh . tatz u pak cik carter .. y u mixx with lala gal tere??? sigh sigh sigh
u are diff wif us de.... *chuu...*
oh . sahabat yang baik datang dari setapak , kerana takut Rach perli dia ..
no . i never said u put plane again i will not fren with u anymore ..u tot u put plane again i will tease u gao gao with jess them when i go back penang .. lol .. tatz truth . i will. =p
=p .. we hang at Gasoline . the environment was reali special n comfortable . but the foooooooooooooooooood.. aikzx .. not tatz nice la .
see calvin face, u can feel his is try to ignore the food
nah . who told u the food not nice .? i been here before le .. tatz ok wert..
n the PETER PAN . omg damn thick n full of coco n few kiwi n damn cool . we try so hard to finish it . but finally calvin and carter done it .=p
* carter , my Gasoline cup le??? i tot i hold it , but hilang after we bought some stuff from Giant =( * i wan the cup ..=p
and then ... end my day at kay ell ... sien
Monday, March 17, 2008
my besties , buddies . penang
i missed the activities which hang out with my besties
i misss Penang
i MIss Penang food
i miss my buddies
i miss my bestie Jesss
i miss mammy
arrgh .. I MISS PENANG
n i hope the stupid L'occitane traning trip end faster . i wan go back to PENANG ..
coz im damn boring rite here .. no plc to go . coz i dun hav transport to0 .. very unconvinent !ish ~~~~~
n tere was 3 .22 am d.. im still awake, gosh ..
i miss you
PENANG .. =p
Sunday, March 16, 2008
i aint fully dota enermy
1 . a boyfriend argue with his girlfriend cause he addicted with dota and dun care his girlfriend at all
2. a boyfriend addicted with dota and make his girlfriend fedup with him , break up in the end .
3. when a girlfriend ask her boyfriend stop dota , but her boyfriend said he cant .
4. When a girlfriend ask her boyfrend she or dota important, n the boyfriend refuse to ans .
5 . When a boyfriend playing dota , he will not ans his girlfriend any call or messengers.
6. wasted money
n more more more more...
but now .. my opinion change d.
u know what ? yesterday i hang out with Carter, Sim , and Vince earlier , after our AlAS PERUT at PELITA . .' Let's go infinity ... omg dota ?? ish .
never mind try n see how it really fun ........
omg.. tatz realy chi kek . but i keep new born b new born. im NOOB .. aikzxxxxxx
watever la. just train to be pro .. =p =p
Birthday part 2

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Thankz my lovely Loccitane GANG
HAPPIIEE BIRTHDAY to ZOwie Choong n Rachel Keng
That's surprising case made from Cherine n Pei Shih
hmmm.. im so lucky . i got another bday boy except Ivan Cheah , who had same birthday with me . oh , tatz my working partner Zowie Choong . =D
That's my 1st birthday cake i received
Surprise ??? our surprise birthday gift from Cherine n Pei shih . they bought us a Haggen Dags cake . oh cake , ice- cream cake .. + choc topping .. ohmgosh .. damn fat . but tatz a very nice cake for me .. thzx Cherine ........
That's birthday boy n birthday gal .. * Smiles*
one bad move kill them all
that packed n jammed ppl at GSC tere .. all the Ticket were sold out
so .. we no more choice d .. watch FATAL MOVE lo. hope that's not bad as Before Devil Know ur Dead /=p
oh . that is better than tatz horrible movie we watch before . but tatz bloody horror than tatz .. see wat MAFIA PPL do for the stupid killing thg ..
Kill me if u dare , [ ofcourse i dare , coz im the biggest boss ]
omg . he don't see me . he don't see me . since i betrayed him . he will shoot me down
*nonoononon *
here i got u . now explain to me , y u do so ????
u know so much i love u , n care for u ????
y u wanna betray me ???
oh .. that wat MAFIA PPL do . when there is ' a bad move , n kills all the ppl who involve ..
damn ..
this story told bout , dun betray women . dun betray ppl u love who is MAFIA , n dun betray urself to involve those stupid fighting n killing case
when princess meet princess
helo , did u recornize her ? i guess u don't .. muahahahahah . she is the only one princess in Koh family * coz my grandmama n grandpapa only had one grandgalgal nii *. so btw this 20 years . no one can take over her PRINCESS place , and everyone were sayang her so much .
but . since 13032008, princess was lost her place d. oh no . that another cute bb princess take over her .. =(
n her bday is juz b4 mine 14031988.. tsk tsk tsk

my daddie n my mommie , love me ya . muax
yeah . she is my nephew.. she's new born baby of mua antie Gerry . omg . i bcome antie dee.. haizz.
anyway . my cute miss penang . welcome to our family .. princess of our family ..