Saturday, August 16, 2008

when it really goes to complicated

其实我都不懂我的决定是对或错. 我也不懂我们到底是什么关系. 复合了 ? 暧昧? 朋友?比好朋友还要好的朋友? 玩具 ?你告诉我好吗?我也回答不到我自己... 答案永远都停留在那.....

喜欢?当然我还喜欢你. .. 但你的忽冷忽热真的让我好懊恼.. 或着换句话来说. 我太笨了, 可让你伤了我一次又一次. 有时我宁愿我们不再联络,但是我又舍不得.. 我可以做的是默默的等..
等....... 喜欢你并没有错, 毕竟你还是一样的疼我,只是当我们见面的时候而已, 对我来说, 这并不足够...... 我要的是你完完全全归于我...

Rachel, just wake up from the dreamland.. eventhough it is sweet but it bring bitter n sour too !! he does'nt see you , and he does'nt need you , and he does'nt love you , the way u wish he would , the way u know he could ..

i'm speechless and faded , it's too complicated , is the how the relationship end, nothing but good friend ?

no ppl know ........


Anonymous said...

sumtimes, it's really best to let time pass by and things will go as expected. if u rlly want it to be, it will... but it takes time, babe

luvya bestie'


FireWire said...


rachelK said...

jess : thx for ur comment ya .. i wish i can do ..

fire: so familiar .. like a song ,. the oldie song ,rite ?

but this dicision, really hard to make !! as jess say it takes time