( i tot i will receive love letter from Wei Ming first eh , mana tau , i have to type my love letter to here :S )
To Doggy Soo :
yerrrr.. y everytime me first eh ??? actually im too lucky or too bo luck d.. ?? meet tiok this noob doggy ....
Actually i never think before after my few past relationship , i will meet my love again .. cause , my past relationship , were end in bad reason , bad situation , and the dissapointed issues.. and im so tired with talk about relationship .. first relationship , the most night mare for me in my life time , control me as a robot , no entertainment , no guys friend , even cant talk with a guy.. but dunno why , tat time im so mindless , allow him to control my freedom , and i never hink that one day he really dissapoint me .. but finally , im awake from nightmare, i break up with him , eventhough he want to recover , i rejected.. cause it is enuf to hurt .... and next relationships .. oso same reason .. What's the problem ? everytime im the one been hurt ... heart pain , tears droups ..
i never believe that i could stand up after those stupid sad relationship ..
and i never believe that im so lucky that i meet you . cause i can feel deeply , you very sayang me ..caring .. loving ... lol . (praise him d)..
but seriously , i never meet before in my past relationship , my bf treat me so nice and unbelieve is we are Long Distance Relationship , we only chat , on the phone , sometime webcam .. but we can trust each , and close ..
everytime , im down .. he can feel it , and i know he is trying to make me forget the sad stuff and create some silly topic ... then i will forget about the sad things..
and im cried . my goodness , he is shocked .. and warn me no more crying infront him ..
when im sick , im really hope that u really beside me and take care of me, but i know u're not in Malaysia , UK is too far from me .. so when im sick , he is very very kin cheong eh , he sure keep telling me .. pls take care urself , dun too tired or too late sleep, dun later sick again , im not here , cant take care of u le ..
and he never stop me .. never tied up my freedom .. i go clubbing la , drinks la. never say ' u canot go, must stay at home chat with me .'
but seriously cant believe that got this type bf , give him n his gf so much freedom n trust .. thanks for loving and caring me .. im so lucky to be yours ..
lol..din noe actually my dear so care me eh .. so here i wan to say ..love u so much n miss u so much
faster come back malaysia le..