Sunday, December 14, 2008

sigh ..

:( actually why i so mind what people think of me ? and why do i care friendship and people around me so much .. hate someone really a kind of suffer .. and people hate you also problems to yourself.. some ppl said dun care what ppl tink of u .. just be yourself ..
but i found that recently i not myself .. last time , if people put blame on me ,back-stepped me.. i just cried behind and find my buddies speak out..
but today , i failed to control my mood.. actually i feel so funny bout this small matter .. it's just a small and not a problems , but make it become big problems .... i really want to know that . what is snatch , and what is own ?What is service ? what is customer ? customer spend money on the shop, ofcourse they want good service and good product to cure their problem ,rite ? btu today i feel so sorry bout what had happen on my customer .. cause make alot problems , cause abit mistaken between me and my coll ..
what i wanna voice out is , custmoer got their rite to choose what she want or who to serve rite ? so im not snacth , i just give customer facial tips, intro good face care for them , ? but like this ppl said im snatching .. scold me infront customer, and im so ashame on him , cause he dun care customer feeling and ownself image. sumtime i really dun understand why mature people , dunno use mature way to solve the problems ???

:s but whatever happen today , after this page.. i gonna forget it, and i hope no more next time, cause as a beauty retail concsultant , we help customer solve skin care problems, not to snatch who customer , what n what..

i dun wish coz of this matters again . i isomia again..
huuuuuuuuuuuu... now better d,,
good nite


FireWire said...

you are simple a caring person, hard to find that nowadays. be yourself :)

rachelK said...

lol. thanks fire .. =)